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Operating System Security

User level is a set of processs, the kernel does not place requirements on which processes should run.

Programs can spawn other programs, orchestrate them to achive higher level goals. Interconnect programs using pipes.

Everything is a file in operating system. Every device is a file. File permissions provde a universal access control mechanism.

System Architecture:

the users
shell and commands, compilers and interpreters, system libraries
system-call interface to the kernel
signals termianl handling character I/O system terminal drivers
file system, swapping block I/O, system disk and tape drivers
CPU scheduling, page replacement, demand paging, virtual memory
kernel interface to the hardware
terminal controllers, terminals
device controllers, disks and tapes
memory controllers, physical memory

File System organization:



Process is a program in execution which has a pid, owner, group, and other attributes. Processes have separate virtual address spaces.

This memory isolation provides the basis of security:

  • a process cannot access the memory of other processes
  • access to kernel memory controlled by page permissions
  • read/write/execute permissions set at the granularity of a page

Virtual memory

Memory organized into pages. Swap space is a disk space for backing up pages that don't fit into physical memory. Processor exception when a page is not in physical memory. OS handles the exception transparently to bring this page into memory.

Virtual memory allocation

Maybe OS initiated or be requested by a process (using mmap, mprotect).

Process Control Block (PCB)

Contains all process state that the OS needs to manage.

  • register values
  • uid, gid, current directory, ...
  • open file table, file descriptors are indices into this table

fork system call

When using fork systemcall, child inherits all its parent attributes. Processor time is split accross running processes. Scheduler is responsible for stopping one process and giving a turn to the next process.

execve system call

Used to replace calling process with a new program. When using this system call, all of the memory is overwritten. But file descriptors are still inherited.

exit and wait system calls

Processes return a status code when they exit. Parent receives this status when it waits on a child. Child cannot fully exit until parent collects this code, otherwise it will become zombie.

Process Scheduling

Processor time is split across running processes. Scheduler is responsible for stopping one process and giving a turn to the next process.

Process ownership

Each process has a owner (uid) and a group (gid) owner. A root process can change its uid and gid. Setuid permission bit allows uid change on execve. By default, process assumes the uid of the executable file's owner. Allos normal users to access features that require privilege (sudo).


  • Effective userid: all access checks use this id
  • Real userid: the user that logged in. after executing a setuid executble, real user remains the same but effective user becomes root
  • Saved userid: under certain conditions, effective uid is saved in saved uid

A process is allowed to switch between its real, save, and effective userids.

Userid Vs Usernames

The file /etc/passwd maps userids to usernames. Similarly, group names are specified in /etc/group. Note that /etc/passwd is a public database, however, encrypted passwords are in /etc/shadow that can be read only by the root.

File System

A file is simply a sequence of bytes. Directory is a special file that contains information about the location of files. Path is a sequence of directory names followed by a file name. It made by using Inodes.

| block |
|A|B|.|.| => | block A |, | block B |, ...

Key systemcalls

  • open: returns a file descriptor for reading/writing the file
  • read, write
  • mmap : map part of a file
  • lseek : move file pointer to different places
  • chmod
  • chown

Hard link is like a file name, it points to the actual file. Symlink is a special file that has interpreted as name of another file/dir. Path-to-file translation involves dereferencing many links. OS limits the number of symlinks travered to prevent infinite loops during lookup.

Key systemcalls

  • rename
  • link, unlink
  • mkdir, rmdir

Interprocess Communication

  • Pipe is a unidirectional communication channel, using its syscall returns a pair of fd's, which write is in fd[1] and read is in fd[0]. Errors are in fd[2].
  • socketpair is similar, but allows bidirectional communication.

I/O redirection

By default, all appplications read from fd[0], write to fd[1], and display errors on fd[2]. To redirect input from a file, simply rename the fd to 0.

dup2(orig_fd, new_fd)


Signal is a exception-related control-flow mechanism which is modelled after hardware interrupts. A signal can suspend current processing, and gets handled by a signal handler.

Key Signals

  • illegal memory access: SIGSEGV, SIGBUS
  • low-level errors: SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGABRT
  • child exited: SIGCHLD
  • timer interrupt: SIGALRM
  • input/output related condition: SIGPIPE, SIGHUP
  • bad system call: SIGSYS

Signal generation

There two types of signals, sync and async. Sync signal caused by program execution. While async signal genereted due to external events.

Handlers installed using signal or sigaction syscalls. These handlers use a stack that is logically distinct from the program stack.

  • SIG_IGN (ignore)
  • SIG_DFL (default hanlder

Signals can be blocked but there is no queue. A signal needs care because handlers execute concurrently with the program.